When Should You Avoid Taking a Personal Loan

Be it the fat Indian wedding, expedition time, child education or any other purpose, the importance of personal loan is manifold to fulfil these purposes. It comes easily as you don't submit any collateral to procure the same. Unlike secured loans where one has to submit collaterals such as fixed deposits, mutual funds, stocks and alike to access the same. However, there are situations when you should avoid taking a personal loan for your overall financial well-being. Let's discuss this critical topic in greater detail. Times When You Should Say NO to a Personal Loan A personal after all is a debt that you need to repay over time. So, if you don't get the loan with the right terms and conditions, avoiding the same is advised, unless you face an emergency and your savings are not sufficient to meet the same. After all, there are some things you should never do with your money . Let's look at certain situations when you should say 'NO' to a personal loan. When Per...